Updat::HD GARDEN BENCH ver.2.0 -> 2.1
Engine part has been upgraded to XPOSE 4.0.
More add-on animations will be released in future. To install future add-ons to your bench, your XPOSE has to be upgrated to version 2.1 or later.
SIT> •HeldShoulder •F>M•KneePillow •Cuddle animations has been revised.
To receive update:
Please read through following *1 and *2 carefully then make a new folder with your avatar name, put your old bench in the folder and send it to Hiko nino.
Please do not send me bench object as is. I can not tell which object came from who if you do so. Thus it makes me hard to update or fix issues of each bench individually. So please make a folder and name it as your avatar name, put your bench into the folder and send it to me.
There was an another update in June of 2009. It was an update for sculpted prims and textures.
That update has been sent to all who purchased the bench prior that time as new bench object, 2 new animations and scripts inside the object.
To make this update work, users need to transfer the contents (animations, scripts and setting note cards) from old bench to new one manually. Without doing this, new bench will give you error due to the lack of animations from old bench.
Therefore still I get some inquiries that new bench is broken by mistaken that update was totally new package.
For this time upgrade, please make sure the content of the bench is fully loaded. I just can not upgrade yours if you send me that previous add-on without installing old contents.
I will have to disregard if I receive the bench with just "42 Single A" and "43 Single B" animations inside of the bench.
Since it is just an add-on I have sent, it is not the full package you have purchased.
If you still have old Version 1 bench and have not updated, still you can send me your version 1 bench and I will be happy to update yours. Though I will update only if there is no lack of animations from original bench without exceptions.
When I receive the bench folders for upgrade, it is considered senders have been read through this note and agreed.
My best regards,