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HD GACHA COIN application foam/Jan 2016

~ 2016-01-04

One of following HAPPY DISPATCH items.

[HD]Summer Bunking ZABUTON(COUPLE)
[HD]Summer Bunking ZABUTON(Single)

If you have made blog post or flickr photos of following items that showing you or some avatar actually using, sitting, playing its sit animations with these, you are eligible to receive HD Gacha coins!
It's all about your luck that how much coins you get!

You don't have to own these items though photos/posts taken at HAPPY DISPATCH DEMO area will not qualify.
Since this is new year season there might be like Japanese Shinto Shrine kind of place may have these!

Please apply from following form if you like to receive HD gacha coin!

Bestest Regards!



HAPPY DISPATCHの次の商品いづれか [HD]Summer Bunking ZABUTON(COUPLE) [HD]Summer Bunking ZABUTON(Single)

の"使用画像"をBlog、またはFLICKRで紹介して頂けた方に非売品のガチャがまわせるHD Gacha coinをプレゼントしています! 何枚届くかは運次第です! 商品を所有している必要はありませんがHAPPY DISPATCHのDEMOエリアでとったSSは無効です。 この時期どこか神社的なパブリックスペースに設置されているかもしれません! 下記フォームから応募ください! どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします!