How to install add-ons
What is ADD-ON?
They are extra animations or objects meant to be add to Happy Dispatch animated furnitures.
Please make sure you have matching furnitures already before you purchase.
Using XPOSE4.0.
How to install add-ons
Put contents of add-ons to the contents of the corresponding furniture (where you can see original animations and scripts),
Click the furniture and go "options" > "RESET POS!" to restart scripts. Then installation is done.
If you install add-on to your HD furnitures as default setup.
Please note following issues if you have added other animations or edited the furniture by yourself already.
Max number of menu buttons on Main Menu is 12.
You might not be able to install HD add-ons If you have added menu by yourself.
1 main menu limit per one add-on.
Also if you have edited the size of your HD furnitures, you will likely to need adjust positions of add-on animations by yourself.
Maximum numbers of positions you can store is about 300.
If you have more than that, it may cause memory over issues.
Please be careful if you have added your own animations already.
Instructions with pictures
1. Rez the box of add-on on the floor and open

As you open the box, it will create a folder named "!!!ADO-ON for (furniture name)" in your inventory.
In the folder you can see animations and two note cards (.MENUITEMS (furniture name)/.POSITIONS (furniture name)), and some add-ons may have extra objects (Books, cussions, etc.).
2. Right click the furniture and select "Edit", go to the "Contents" tab on Edit menu.

Inside the contents you will see a lot of scripts, notecards and animations.
If you see "Loading contents" on the content tab, please wait until it finish loading.
3. Use your mouse to drag the folder (described at 1) and drop into the content tab of the furniture.

Please drag and drop the folder as a whole to the contents of the funiture (described at 1).
If you still see some animations or notecards left in your folder, drag and drop them manually to the contents of the furniture.
* Add-on objects (Books, cussions, etc.) are COPY/TRANS. so they should remain in your inventory even after you drag and drop them (their copy) into the content of the furniture.
4. Touch the furniture and select OPTION then RESET POS! from dialog menu.
It will start loading scripts.
That's it for installations of add-ons.

* By resetting positions, it will go back to default position settings.
If you have tweaked positions previously, please make a backup of your positions before you install add-ons.
To do this, select OPTION then BACKUP POS, copy and paste (overwrite) position settings from chat history (Ctrl+H) to .POSITIONS notecard in your furniture.
*If you are installing multiple add-ons, you only need to do RESET POS once.
Please repeat 1 to 3.