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New::[HD]Inflatable chair GACHA


[HD]Inflatable chair gacha

The Gacha garden LTD
[HD]Inflatable chair SOI for The Gacha garden LTD

New release from HAPPY DISPATCH.

Here comes the Inflatable chair gacha for the beach scene, pool side or kids room, anything you can come up with!
Loaded up with cute and groovy original animations.
One menu (usually just a pose or sit) uses more than 5 animation files so it will play multiple different kinds of motions randomly. The pose might be different from the one you just saw - it gives you surprises and fun always!
*You can always check the DEMO at HAPPYDISPATCH headquarter. Please come check out.

This item is available at Gacha Garden event.
There is a special prize only you can win at the event!
Hope you would come and play!

/////EVENT info
The Gacha Garden opens August 1st!
8/1 to 8/22

+ Event Website +

+ How It Works +
- Every time a player makes 20 pulls on any single machine they will be given a very special reward.
- The Seeds of Inspiration are no copy/ yes transfer just like a normal gacha but they cannot be won by chance. They are instead awarded on the 20th pull.
- The Seed of Inspiration items will be retired at the end of the event and will never be made available again.

It will be excellent if you add your Frickr photo using this item to HD flickr group.
I don't want to miss out any of your great piece using HD products! Thank you for all the happiness!

HAPPY DISPATCHから新作のお知らせです。

プールサイドや、浜辺、子供部屋にあうポップでキュートなInflatable chair (エアチェア)のガチャです!


/////The Gacha Garden EVENT情報

+ 期間  + 8/1~8/22
+ webサイト+

+ How It Works +
- プレイヤーはThe Seeds of Inspiration という非常に特別な報酬が与えられます。
- The Seeds of Inspiration はレアアイテムのように偶然手にはいる事はありません。
- The Seed of Inspiration のアイテムはイベント期間中のみしか手に入りません。
※The Seeds of Inspiration 以外のアイテムはイベント後も販売されることがあります


~ 2015-07-30